Project Setup

Our application needs a place to start.

Create a file called

touch src/

Then add the following code:

use byte_engine;
fn main() {
	let mut application = byte_engine::Application::new("Gallery Shooter");

This will create a new application with the name "Gallery Shooter". The application manages all utilities we will need to run our game.

Let's think about what we need to make our game.

We need a player, targets, weapon.

So let's define them.

use byte_engine;
struct Weapon {
	// ...
use byte_engine;
fn main() {
	// ...
	let weapon_handle = Weapon::new(&mut application);

We a need a place to put them.

use byte_engine;
fn main() {
	// ...
	let mut level = byte_engine::Level::new(&mut application);

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